Roads Association
Governing Documents
Roads Association Articles of Incorporation
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Roads Association & KIECA Governing Documents
KIE Road Construction and
Maintenance Association (KIERCMA)
In accordance with the original Articles of Incorporation and By Laws, the Kent Island Estates Road Construction & Maintenance Association, Inc. (Roads Association) exists for the purpose of maintaining the remaining KIE private roads, keeping them passable in all seasons. We purchase millings and materials for use by residents (at residents’ request) and hire a contractor to fill potholes or do reconstruction when the residents aren’t able to do it, or when the condition of the road needs professional equipment. We also hire a contractor to plow the roads in the winter.
Kent Island Estates consists of 46 roads. Currently there are 40 roads that are owned and maintained by Queen Anne’s County, including the roads that were upgraded and turned over to the County in 2003 - 2006.
There are still a few roads (or half Roads) that are still privately held and maintained by the KIE Roads Association: South Carolina, Beach, Cecil, Carroll, Harford, and Caroline Roads.
We are always looking for people to help our community and the association for the benefit of all property owners. If you would be interested in serving on the board or becoming a volunteer on one of our projects, please contact us. For accounting questions, contact the Treasurer at Property owners in Kent Island Estates on the private roads are especially encouraged to get involved.
The Kent Island Estates Road Construction & Maintenance Association, Inc. Board of Directors is elected at the annual membership meeting, which is held the second Saturday in June of each year.
Veronica Beck, President
Jamee Belleau, Treasurer
Daniel Perez, Secretary
Anita Samarth, Board Member
Marissa Bartol, Board Member
Samantha Hernandez, Board Member
Larry McNeely, Board Member
Roads Association Dues
Roads Association membership is mandatory for all property owners in KIE. ALL property owners must pay annual Roads dues of $10 per lot per year as long as there are any private roads left in Kent Island Estates. Dues invoices are mailed in March annually to each property owner's address of record and are payable by April 30th.
Would you like more information on this important topic?
Contact Roads Association President or other board members via email to
For questions about your Roads Dues account email
Private Roads in Kent Island Estates
In recent years it has been the goal of the Roads Association to help residents on private roads work through the process of bringing their roads up to Queen Anne’s County standards so they can be taken over by QAC. Once all private roads are turned over to the county, the Roads Association can be dissolved and Roads dues will not be required.
The County will agree to upgrade one of our private roads if most owners on that road are in favor of upgrading. The Roads Association will survey owners and organize information meetings with County staff. When the upgrade decision is made, the road will be widened and tarred and chipped to meet County standards. New culverts will be put in for most owners and all driveway entrances will be upgraded to fit the new road.
All owners on an upgraded road will share the cost, which may be paid over time or attached as a lien on the property. It is highly likely that your property value will increase when this work is completed
Drainage will be improved to minimize flooding and washing out of roads and driveways.
The County will be responsible for maintenance and snow removal forever.
When potholes occur, residents call the County to request action. This will be true before and during construction of the new road, as well as after the road is complete.
Police patrols, school buses, garbage trucks, snow plows and other large vehicles will have easy and safe access to your home.
Individual owners’ financial liability for accidents occurring on KIE private roads will be eliminated. Currently the Association pays for insurance to help defray any costs for accidents on our private roads. If that insurance is insufficient to cover an accident, each lot owner is responsible to pay a share of the remaining bill.